Wednesday, March 25, 2020


What is Screencasting?

Screencasting is a very useful tool if you want to show someone how to do something. The great thing about screencasting is they can see what you're doing in real-time and follow along if they choose to at a time that is most convenient for them. I am a visual learner and love to watch someone do something rather than just hear about them doing it. I have had some experience using screencasting in my library and look forward to doing much more in this unprecedented time n history!

I was introduced to Screencastify by a member of my staff and never really thought about looking into anything else. This was a quick, easy tool that allowed me to convey short videos to my staff when it was convenient for them. I did not find a very steep learning curve when using this product.


  • I love that it has a Google extension. We are not a Google district but my previous campus was. I am very pro-Google as many people within teaching and outside of teaching are familiar with many of its products. 
  • There is a free version that is very easy to use. It allows multiple recording options such as choosing to record one tab specific, your entire desktop or using your webcam. 
  • It is very user friendly. I didn't have to play around with it much before I was able to navigate the program with ease. 
  • The free version only allows up to 5 minutes of video. This can leave you feeling like you need to beat the clock and rush your video. 
  • If you choose to pay for it, it is a yearly subscription rather than a one time fee. 
This is a Screencastify I created to show a PD opportunity I gave to the teachers. It goes over the digital resources we have on campus for a refresher to old staff and a much-needed overview for the new staff members. 

I had never heard of Snagit before but I did watch their introduction video housed on their main paid and liked what I saw. I really liked being able to customize a video to my needs and adding arrows, numbers, and text boxes to highlight any specific instructions in the video.


  • If you decide to pay for the membership, it is a one time fee that can be installed on two machines of your choosing. 
  • It is compatible with Mac and Windows users.
  • It allows for many sharing options. 
  • The free version is very limited in what it has to offer when compared to their introductory video. 
  • It took me a bit more time to understand how to use to program and I have to Google some questions. 
This is a Snagit video I took to show teachers how to get to the new campus tool since we are now working from a distance. 

My choice
To me, it depends on what you are wanting it for. If you don't plan on using it often or have a need that exceeds the 5 minutes, I would say Screencastify would be great. If you are wanting something with more options and don't mind paying, I would choose Snagit because it offers more options to the user.

My personal preference would be Screencasity simply because I think it's more user friendly and it was easier for me to figure out how to embed the link. It is also tied to Google which is a huge plus for me. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2020


Easelly - I feel like this would be easy to use as well but I thought it didn't offer as much variety than some of the other competitors. They did not have a video showing what they offer on their homepage and to view anything, you had to register. It looks like it would have a final product but I felt the one I chose was more user friendly. 

Piktochart - I chose Piktochart to use because I loved the simplicity of it. For someone who had never made an infographic before, this was very easy to set up an account and use the tools to create something eye-catching. It was very user friendly and made creating a final product very easy. I also loved how they had a short video showing what they had to offer.

Infogram - This was one I thought was great but maybe better used for larger groups or projects. It looked to have a great final product and has many customizable options along the side. I feel like it's broken down well on the sides but might be overwhelming with all the choices.

As schools close due to the coronavirus, some U.S. students face a digital ‘homework gap’

This was an amazing article that really speaks to an unprecedented time in our lives. With all that's up in the air at the moment, it truly is a moment in time of uncertainty. Before this outbreak, I have been a participant in many discussions about homework and it's value to a student's educational life, but what happens when homework is the only choice? Many of our students do not have access to either the internet or a computer. I love how this article breaks down the specific groups of people who are affected and how that may impact learning in the future.